Sadhana is the Sanskrit term for daily spiritual practice. It is a surrendering to the universe and a conscious connection to one’s higher self through meditation, mantra, yoga, pranayama (breath work) or a mix of these tools.
The Aquarian Sadhana is the practice of Kundalini Yogis who gather in the early hours between night and day to meditate when the cosmos itself is between extremes. Aquarian Sadhana begins with prayer, then a Kundalini Yoga set and is followed by meditative chanting. The sound current of mantra breaks down the barriers of the ego to connect with that which is beyond time and space, unconditional love. Much of the mantra in the Aquarian Sadhana is from the Sikh tradition although the messages of universal consciousness resonate with many faiths. Gathering in community in the early morning is a way to center oneself, clear subconscious trauma, and remember our universal connection to the cosmos and each other.
Join Leila and Aura Academy for daily sadhana. 5:30am - 7:00am PDT